Mondelinge presentaties
- Ram H. Klankbordgroep doping NOC*NSF, ‘Internationale ontwikkelingen’, 31 januari, Rotterdam.
- De Hon O. Open avond DeLorentz & Partners, ‘Sport is te mooi voor doping’, 9 februari, Hilversum.
- De Hon O. Gastcollege USBO, Universiteit Utrecht, Master Sportbeleid & Sportmanagement, ‘Effectiviteit van het anti-dopingbeleid’, 13 februari, Utrecht.
- Duiven E. Keuzevak Chemie & Criminaliteit. Hogeschool Rotterdam, ‘Doping’, 14 februari, Rotterdam.
- De Hon O. NIOS-opleiding anti-dopingbeleid, ‘Epidemiologie van dopinggebruik’, 10 maart, Bilthoven.
- Ram H. NIOS-opleiding anti-dopingbeleid, ‘Antidopingbeleid voor (sport)artsen’, 10 maart, Bilthoven.
- De Hon O. Symposium ‘Holistische kijk op dopinggebruik’, ‘Effectiviteit van het anti-dopingbeleid’, 27 maart, Brussel.
- De Hon O. Forum Biotechnologie & Genetica, ‘Gendoping en de praktijk’, 26 maart, Den Haag.
- Wassink, H. Gemeente Werkendam. ‘Dopingpreventie in fitness’, 4 april, Werkendam.
- Coumans B. Advisory Group on Education Raad van Europa, ‘Supplement Checker App’. 10 april, Ljubljana.
- Coumans B. Advisory Group on Education Raad van Europa, ‘Together for a clean stroke. A campaign to prevent unintentional doping use.’, 10 april, Ljubljana.
- Duiven E. Vereniging Nederlandse Fabrikanten Kinder- en Dieetvoeding, ‘Een klein beetje extra. Het verschil tussen winnaars & valsspelers’, 20 april, Maarssen.
- Ram H. WADC Commentary Project, ‘Minors and the WAD Code’, 28 april, Macolin.
- Duiven E. Radboud Annals of Medical Students, ‘De verborgen risico’s van voedingssupplementen’. 8 mei, Nijmegen.
- Wassink, H. UMC Leiden. ‘Dopingrisico’s van supplementen’, 23 mei, Leidschendam.
- Wassink, H. International Conference on Doping and Public Health, ‘True Strength: a prevention program for fitness athletes in the Netherlands’, 8 juni, Oslo.
- De Hon O. International Conference on Doping and Public Health, ‘Prohibited substances in sport supplements’, 8 juni, Oslo.
- Wassink, H. Gemeente Helmond. ‘Dopingpreventie in fitness’, 26 september, Helmond.
- Ram H. MESGO, ‘Unity in Diversity: Challenges in governing a worldwide anti-doping fight’, 28 september, Mainz.
- De Hon O. Faculteit der Gedrags- en Bewegingswetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit, Inleiding Inspanningsfysiologie, ‘Sport is te mooi voor doping’, 13 oktober, Amsterdam.
- Ram H. WADA NADO Workgroup, ‘The Supplement Checker App: a critical tool for more responsible supplement use in sport’, 17 oktober, Lausanne.
- De Hon O. iNADO Athletes + Leaders Symposium, ‘Prevalence of doping use in elite sports’, 30 oktober, Ganterschwil.
- De Hon O. iNADO Webinar, ‘Effectiveness of Anti-Doping Policies’, 9 november, Capelle aan den IJssel.
- Ram H. International Conference on Integrity and Sport, ‘Doping, Drugs and Diet: 50 shades of green’, 23 november, Cardiff.
- De Hon O. Play The Game Conference, ‘Effectiveness of Anti-Doping Policies’, 27 november, Eindhoven.
- Duiven E. Keuzevak Chemie & Criminaliteit. Hogeschool Rotterdam, ‘Doping’. 28 november, Rotterdam.
- De Hon O. Play The Game Conference, ‘Prevalence of doping use in elite sports’, 29 november, Eindhoven.
- Ram H. iNADO Open House, ‘Anti-Doping Authority the Netherlands’, 30 november, Capelle aan den IJssel.
- De Hon O. WADA Prevalence Working Group, ‘Prevalence of doping use in elite sports’, 20 december, Montreal.
- Ram H. VU Bijscholing tuchtrechters, ‘Acceptance of sanction’, 20 december, Amsterdam.
Wetenschappelijke artikelen
Causanilles A, V Nordmann, D Vughs, E Emke, O de Hon, F Hernandez & P de Voogt. Wastewater-based tracing of doping use by the general population and amateur athletes. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. Accepted for Publication.
Pitsiladis Y, I Ferriani, M Geistlinger, O de Hon, A Bosch & F Pigozzi. A Holistic Anti-doping Approach for a Fairer Future for Sport. Current Sports Medicine Reports 16(4): 222-4, 2017.
De Hon O. The Redundancy of the Concept of ‘Spirit of Sport’ in Discussions on the Prohibited List of Doping Substances. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics 9(4): 667-76, 2017.
De Hon O & M van Bottenburg. True dopers or negligent athletes - An analysis of Anti-Doping Rule Violations reported to the World Anti-Doping Agency 2010-2012. Substance Use and Misuse 52(14): 1932-6, 2017.
Heuberger JAAC, JI Rotmans, P Gal, FE Stuurman, J van ’t Westende, TE Pos, JMA Daniels, M Moerland, PLJ van Veldhoven, ML de Kam, H Ram, O de Hon, JJ Posthuma, J Burggraaf & AF Cohen. The effects of erythropoietin on cycling performance of well-trained cyclists: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel trial. Lancet Haematology 4(8): 374-86, 2017.
Teitler S & H Ram. Nederlandse tuchtrechtspraak en de toepassing van de World Anti-Doping Code: 2010 t/m juni 2017. Tijdschrift voor Sport & Recht (2/3): 25-39, 2017.
Overige artikelen
De Hon O. Doping in de sport. Folia Pharmaceutica 105(1): 18-20, 2017.
Ram H. Legal issues with minor athletes under the Code. The proceedings of the 2017 Macolin Anti-Doping Summit. Bern: Editions Weblaw: 64-80, 2017.
Causanilles A, V Nordmann, D Vughs, E Emke, O de Hon & P de Voogt. Wastewater-based tracing of doping use by general population and amateur athletes. Poster presented at Testing The Waters - 3rd international conference on wastewater analysis, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-27 October 2017.
De Hon O & BM Pluim. Contra-indicatie 100 – Sportbeoefening; doping. In: Commentaren Medicatiebewaking 2017/2018. Stichting Health Base, Houten, blz. 1213-24.