
In addition to the implementation of the doping control process, the collection and investigation of information can also generate evidence of doping. Pursuant to Article 5 of the Wuab and Articles 16 to 20 (incl.) of the Dutch National Doping Regulations, Doping Authority Netherlands investigates possible anti-doping rule violations, both in the Netherlands and other countries. This information, in the broadest sense and including scientific information, is also the main input for targeting doping controls and it serves as the basis for Doping Authority Netherlands’ test distribution plan.

In the course of 2022, “Intelligence & Investigations” (I&I) work was assigned to a separate department and the number of “Intelligence Officers” was increased from one to three. This has further strengthened the role of I&I information.

Tips received

Visitors to the website page Doping Hotline can submit tips about possible anti-doping rule violations. They can also use the link to obtain information about the procedure and the subjects for reporting. People submitting reports can, among other things, complete a web form and, if they wish, report on a completely anonymous basis.

In 2022, Doping Authority Netherlands received 48 tips via one of the options provided from external parties (not including partners in the chain) about possible anti-doping rule violations. That is less than in 2021 (51). The substance of the reports ranges from doping to trafficking and they related to 12 different sports (2021: 8).

Collaboration with government services and anti-doping organisations

By contrast with the situation relating to the doping control process, Doping Authority Netherlands is dependent on the cooperation of organisations other than sports organisations, in particular government investigation and enforcement organisations, for the implementation of some of the statutory remit referred to in Article 5 of the Wuab. The development and expansion of good collaborative relationships with these organisations is therefore of major importance. This involves supplying and receiving information. The terms of the collaboration with chain partners such as the IGJ, the NVWA-IOD, the police, the FIOD and the customs authorities have been set out in protocols.

The sharing of information with Doping Authority Netherlands continues to be a challenge in collaboration between the government services. This is a result of various statutory frameworks such the Police Data Act (Wpg). In 2022, ongoing demand could be seen for expertise about doping from the investigating authorities. Doping Authority Netherlands was included in the database of the National Expertise Broker (LDM) of the National Police in order to provide expertise in this way, as well for national investigations relating to prohibited substances. Active use is made of this opportunity. Doping Authority Netherlands continues emphatically to seek ever closer cooperation with investigation and enforcement bodies. Information is shared efficiently in mutual exchanges with anti-doping organisations from other countries. There is also support for ongoing investigations.

The I&I information supplied by Doping Authority Netherlands is classified using an international system that rates the information in terms of the reliability of the information and the reliability of the source. In 2022, information was supplied to, among others, the NVWA and the police, but also to anti-doping organisations in Germany, Flanders, Great Britain, Australia and a range of international federations.