Advisory Board

Doping Authority Netherlands has an Advisory Board that consisted of five persons in 2021 (see Annex 2 for the members of the Board). The Board met on five occasions. In addition to discussing and commenting on the work of Doping Authority Netherlands on the basis of progress reports and other documents, the Board is required to make recommendations to the CEO of Doping Authority Netherlands.

Personnel: office

Doping Authority Netherlands has four departments (Education, Enforcement & Investigations, Legal Affairs and Support). Together with the CEO, the four heads of department constitute the Office Board.
At year-end 2021, the office organisation comprised 24 people and 21.8 FTEs. For an overview, the reader is referred to Annex 3.

Doping Control Officials (DCOs)

In addition to the office staff, there were fourteen part-time doping control officials at year-end 2021 (nine men and six women, see Annex 3), who were appointed under ‘minimum hours’ contracts. The number of hours covered by these contracts was increased in some cases in 2021. The contracts now account for 2.9 FTEs.


The absenteeism percentage was lower in 2021 than in 2020: staff were absent on 2.1% of working days (2020: 5.7%). This percentage was still significantly affected in 2020 by the aftermath of an accident outside office hours in 2018. In 2021, effective the second quarter, this was no longer the case.


Doping Authority Netherlands has three in-house emergency response workers to maximise the probability of enough support being available when it is needed. There were no significant incidents in 2021. A refresher course was followed with the other tenants in the office building.

Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee (TUE committee)

One of the provisions in the doping regulations relates to the procedure for the use of prohibited medication. Doping Authority Netherlands has, for the Dutch sports associations, a committee known as the Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee (TUE committee), which consists of independent doctors.

Compliance with Doping Sanctions Committee (CND) and National Doping Regulations Appeals Committee (BND)

The World Anti-Doping Code requires Doping Authority Netherlands to monitor the implementation of sanctions imposed for doping. If there is any failure to comply with a sanction correctly, the same sanction begins again after the end of the original sanction. The Compliance with Doping Sanctions Committee is responsible for determining whether there has been correct compliance with a sanction and whether there are any reasons to reduce a subsequent sanction. In 2017, a National Doping Regulations Appeals Committee was added. Appeals against decisions by the CND may be submitted to the BND.
No cases at all were submitted to the CND in 2021. The BND made a decision in one case.

Consultations with the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport

As an independent administrative body, Doping Authority Netherlands participates in various specialist consultations. For a relatively small organisation such as Doping Authority Netherlands, it is impossible to attend all meetings but the contacts that are established are useful in all organisational matters. Consultations relate to business operations, human resources, absenteeism prevention, sustainability, information security, general security, privacy and integrity.

Quality assurance

Doping Authority Netherlands is a government organisation covered by the National Code of Conduct for Integrity. The prevention of fraudulent activity is a constant focus of attention and a standing component of the annual performance interviews. No infringements of the Code of Conduct were observed in 2021.

Doping Authority Netherlands also has a Complaints Procedure in addition to the regular procedures that those concerned can initiate under the General Administrative Law Act (Awb). This procedure can be found on the corporate website. It was used once in 2021.

Informal complaints, mistakes, areas for improvement and data leaks are a standard item on the agenda during the fortnightly meetings of the Office Board, and the discussion is noted in the minutes of these meetings.