Over the course of 2017, there were many, wide-ranging, contacts with WADA. There were almost daily consultations about the correct management of Dutch doping violations, which is monitored by WADA. Collaboration with WADA is close and structural.

Prohibited list
As in other years, a response to the draft prohibited list was sent to WADA in the summer. The Doping Authority coordinates the Dutch response on behalf of the NOC*NSF, the NOC*NSF Athletes Committee and the Ministry of Sport. Once again, it was pointed out that the prohibited list must have a sound practical and scientific basis. In recent years, WADA has also provided answers and responses to the comments they receive, which allows us to discuss substantive issues in even more detail. This is a good example of the increasing transparency in the establishment of the international anti-doping policy. Once again, it was pointed out that the prohibited list must have a sound practical and scientific basis. We also attended a meeting of the scientific advisory group in the context of the Council of Europe convention on this subject.

WADA Education Committee
Bart Coumans had a seat on the WADA Education Committee (until 12 June 2017). The committee met on 21 and 22 April in Montreal.

WADA Athletes Committee
Chiel Warners, the chair of the NOC*NSF Athletes Committee and a member of the NOC*NSF board, was appointed – in part pursuant to his nomination by the Doping Authority – to the WADA Athletes Committee for a period of three years (2017-2019). Chiel Warners and the Doping Authority have made agreements about exchanges of information and support from the Doping Authority.

WADA Prohibited List Expert Group
Cees-Rein van den Hoogenband, the chief medic of NOC*NSF and TeamNL was – in part pursuant to his nomination by the Doping Authority – appointed to the Expert Group that formulates advice and recommendations annually for the WADA board about the global Prohibited List. This appointment was for a period of one year (2017). Cees-Rein van den Hoogenband and the Doping Authority have made agreements about exchanges of information and support from the Doping Authority.

Social Science Research
In cooperation with the Doping Authority, Radboud University Nijmegen is conducting a two-year study of the effect of ethical training on anti-doping attitudes among up-and-coming athletes. This study was launched officially on 1 April 2016. A pilot project was conducted among up-and-coming athletes in 2016, the first steps were taken towards the development of the interventions and athletes were recruited for the study. The actual study began in 2017.

WADA – ADO Symposium
The Doping Authority attended the annual WADA - ADO Symposium in Lausanne. The symposium covered a wide range of topics and there were a large number of other meetings and events on the fringes of the symposium. The Doping Authority was a member of a panel on cooperation between International Federations and National Anti-Doping Organisations. The ADO Symposium has evolved into the annual event at which most of the world's anti-doping organisations meet to discuss and promote developments in the field.

Sociological research
As part of WADA's 'Sociological Research Program', a study was conducted into possible performance indicators for NADOs in collaboration with four other NADOs and under the supervision of the University of Potsdam. The researchers presented the results to WADA and they are working on scientific publications in this area.

International collaboration on Intelligence & Investigations
The international Intelligence & Investigations working group established in 2014 at the initiative of WADA continued its work in 2017. The group consists mainly of intelligence officers and/or intelligence analysts. At the meetings organised in previous years at the initiative of WADA, the members of the group informed one another about new developments and initiatives relating to Intelligence & Investigations and exchanged the latest information. A range of cases were also discussed and agreements were made about the collection and exchange of intelligence relating to doping investigations and international collaboration on those investigations. Because not all anti-doping organisations are structured on the same lines and/or have the same statutory competencies, the group's work includes a very strong emphasis on how the information is used and the legal implications of sharing and using information. The smaller group has been established on the basis of the international Intelligence & Investigations working group. That smaller group consists of leading organisations that have extensively structured the Intelligence & Investigations process. The group consists of intelligence officers from the Doping Authority, NADA Germany, AEPSAD, ADN, USADA, UKAD, CADF and WADA. WADA began in 2016 on the implementation of a Whistleblower Policy (WBP) and the implementation of software to record intelligence so that it can be linked and accessed at the global level. The intention is to share experience with the WBP and the software with the international I&I members.

WADA NADO Working Group
The Doping Authority is represented on this working group, which advises on developments at WADA that affect the interests and the position of NADOs. The views and opinions of the working group are reported to the Foundation Board and many of them are included in the policies of WADA. The working group met twice in 2017, once in Montreal and once in Lausanne.

Prevalence of Doping Working Group
At the request of WADA, we have a seat on the new 'Prevalence of Doping Working Group'. The general aim is to map out in greater detail current knowledge about the prevalence of doping use, and how this knowledge can best be enhanced in the future. The working group is, for the time being, expected to be in operation until the end of 2018.


CAHAMA and Monitoring Group
The Doping Authority was actively involved in 2017 in the further development of the international doping policy. The objective of the international activities of the Doping Authority is twofold: the Doping Authority wants to collect up-to-date current knowledge and to influence the international anti-doping policy.
We attended three meetings of the CAHAMA (Ad hoc European Committee for the World Anti-Doping Agency). The CAHAMA mission is:

  1. To examine the issues concerning relations between the Council of Europe, its Member States and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), and to decide on a common position, when possible, on these issues;
  2. To draw up, if necessary, opinions for the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on these issues, including the budgetary elements;
  3. To periodically revise the mandate of members of the WADA Foundation Board appointed by the Council of Europe.

In 2017, CAHAMA's activities mainly focused on the non-compliance of Russia, compliance testing by WADA of all doping organisations worldwide (including the Doping Authority), and the wishes of WADA relating to an increase in the budget.
The Doping Authority also attended the two annual meetings of the Monitoring Group, which focuses on monitoring the implementation of the Anti-Doping Convention of the Council of Europe, and developing and improving anti-doping systems and structures. In 2017, specific attention was paid to the independence of disciplinary law.

Advisory Groups
The Doping Authority participated in the meeting on 5 April (Ljubljana) in the context of the work of the 'Expert Group on Education' of the Council of Europe.

The Doping Authority participated in the 'Advisory Group on Legal Issues' of the Council of Europe in Vilnius on 5 February 2017 and the 'Advisory Group on Compliance' of the Council of Europe in Paris on 19 November 2017.


Institute for National Anti-Doping Organisations – iNADO
The Doping Authority joined iNADO immediately after this umbrella organisation was established in 2012. In 2017, iNADO continued to develop its role as the knowledge institute and the representative of the National Anti-Doping Organisations affiliated to it. The Doping Authority contributed in many ways to the work of iNADO and it has also been a member of the board since 2016. We attended the iNADO meeting in Lausanne preceding the WADA – ADO Symposium.


International Anti-Doping Arrangement – IADA
The Doping Authority attended the annual meeting of this group of countries, which was organised in Zurich. In early 2016, South Africa decided to leave the Arrangement, since when IADA has included ten countries. The present Arrangement will be in place from 2015 to 2018.

UNESCO Conference of Parties
An important international instrument is the International Convention Against Doping in Sport, which was established under the auspices of the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO). The aim of the convention is to promote the prevention and combating of doping in sport with a view to its elimination. Every two years, all the countries that have signed the UNESCO Convention (some 200 member states) meet to discuss the implementation of, and compliance with, the convention. The most important point on the agenda for the meeting, which took place in Paris on 25-26 September 2017, was the non-compliance status of Russia.


NADO Leaders Summits
After the publication of the second report on Russian doping practices (written by Richard McLaren, who was appointed as the Independent Person in this matter by WADA), a number of developed NADOs decided to meet to discuss the implications of this report. The first meetings took place in 2016 in Copenhagen and Bonn. There were more meetings in 2017 in Dublin and in Denver. All these meetings concluded with press statements on behalf of the NADOs present about the steps these NADOs deemed necessary to tackle the identified problems. The joint positions were extensively quoted in media around the world and the influence on the policy of sports organisations is evident.

Erasmus Project FAIR
The Doping Authority is a partner in a three-year (2017-2019) project entitled 'Forum for Anti-Doping in Recreational Sports' (FAIR). The project was initiated by Europe Active. The focus is on improving prevention programmes in fitness/recreational sport and the regulation of sports dietary supplements in European countries.

Erasmus project RESPECT
The Doping Authority has become a partner in a three-year (2017-2019) project entitled 'Research-Embedded Strategic Plan for Anti-Doping Education: Clean Sport Alliance Initiative for Tackling Doping' (RESPECT). The initiator of this project is Leeds Beckett University. The aim is to bridge the gap between the academic world in the field of social science and the practical world of doping education. The emphasis is on ensuring that clean athletes are heard more.