Establishment of structural I&I capacity

Pursuant to Article 15.2 of the Dutch National Doping Regulations, the Doping Authority investigates possible doping violations both in the Netherlands and other countries. Intelligence & Investigations is one resource deployed for this purpose and this discipline has been organised as a separate activity since 2013.

Intelligence means selected, combined and analysed information; it is information that has been validated, presented in an organised way, and that preferably comes from several sources.
Intelligence & Investigations also involves appraising the accuracy of rumours, accusations or in simulations about doping or abetting doping. Ascertaining the truth is essential. It is the job of the Doping Authority to clarify accusations or insinuations on the basis of objective investigations in the interests of the athlete and the sport.

Last year, the Doping Authority appointed an Intelligence Officer to develop and implement the discipline of Intelligence & Investigations. The work of the Intelligence Officer includes collating information in the context of investigations of doping violations, drafting reports, conducting interviews and taking statements, organising and processing confidential data in an automated system, and the development of procedures and protocols.

The Intelligence Officer will collect, process and analyse information about possible doping violations and, where appropriate, be involved in disciplinary procedures relating to those violations. Information will be obtained from digital sources, but also from discussions in person with athletes, support staff, or other persons who may be expected to have relevant information. The analysis of the Intelligence Officer may lead the Control Department to initiate target controls. The file compiled by the Intelligence Officer can be added to the file relating to a positive control or may result directly in the initiation of proceedings when criminal activities may be involved.

Results in 2014

The Intelligence & Investigations process took further shape in 2014. Existing information was accessed and analysed, with the principal emphasis being on the investigation of 'open sources'. On occasion, this information was exchanged with international and national sports federations and investigation services. However, given the absence of any statutory arrangements, this information is often 'off the record' and so it can only be used to guide investigations.
The information acquired by the Intelligence Officer did not result in 2014 in any proceedings relating to doping violations without positive control findings, in other words it did not lead to any 'non-analytical cases'. The findings of the Intelligence Officer in 2014 did contribute to a number of disciplinary procedures.

In 2014, several reports were received about possible anti-doping rule violations. The information was investigated by the Intelligence Officer and the results of that investigation were (usually) shared with the Control Department for the purposes of any follow-up action (doping controls) or with one of the other departments of the Doping Authority.
In 2014, the Intelligence Officer was involved with two major projects, which will both be rounded off in early 2015. It should be pointed out here that this does not imply that the investigations will be closed in administrative terms. In conjunction with new or additional information, files may, against the background of relevant statutes of limitations, result in or lead to disciplinary procedures in the future.
The available I&I capacity was primarily devoted to two projects in the last five months of 2014. The Intelligence Officer made varied contributions to those projects.

Development of international collaboration

At the initiative of WADA, 2014 saw the establishment of an international I&I working group consisting of Intelligence Officers and/or intelligence analysts. The group, in which the Doping Authority is represented alongside many, primarily European, anti-doping organisations and a number of International Federations, met on three occasions in 2014. The members of the group are working on developments in the field of Intelligence & Investigations and they share knowledge, expertise and experience. Agreements and arrangements are made about collecting and exchanging information relating to doping investigations and international collaboration on those investigations. Because not all anti-doping organisations are structured on the same lines and/or have the same statutory competencies, the group's work includes a very strong emphasis on how the information is used and the legal implications of sharing and using information.

Establishment of national collaboration with investigation services

Investigation services cannot, on the basis of current legislation, share information about their investigations with the Doping Authority. However, sound collaboration with those services and good contacts with them are vitally important for the work of the Doping Authority. In 2014, the Doping Authority has shared information on several occasions with the Public Health Inspectorate (IGZ). In the context of establishing contacts with investigation services, contacts were maintained or initiated in 2014 with the IGZ, NVWA and the police.

In the course of 2014, there was an increasing emphasis on collaboration with the Control Department. In anticipation of the World Anti Doping Code 2015 and the associated International Standards, it was decided in 2014 to integrate Intelligence & Investigations in the Control Department from January 2015 onwards in order to make the work more effective. The department will therefore be known from 2015 onward as the Enforcement & Investigation department.